In order to obtain a conventional mortgage, home buyers are required to provide a down payment of at least 20% of the purchase price. If you do not have the full 20% down payment, it may be possible to obtain a high-ratio mortgage that will require a down payment of at least 5% and the purchase of default insurance.
Be sure to visit at least two lenders before you make a decision.

B.A., M.Sc.

To help make the listing process faster and easier, please ensure
you have compiled the following documents and information:
A copy of your most recent property tax bill
Recent Gas, Hydro, and Water bills (it’s helpful to include bills from the summer as well as from the winter)
An up to date survey of your property (if available)
Copies of any rental agreements (e.g. Hot Water Tank, Furnace)
Well and Septic information (if applicable)
If you have tenants, please provide copies of tenancy agreements
Copies of bills for any recent improvements to the house (e.g. new roof, furnace)
Copy of WETT inspections for all wood burning fireplaces
A spare house key to be used for showings and open houses
Identification documents for each individual who is a party to the transaction (e.g. property owner). Acceptable identification documents include: Birth Certificate, Driver’s Licence, Passport, Permanent Resident Card, or Certificate of Indian Status
Contact you lender to verify terms of current mortgage and any discharge penalties, if applicable

Your home is likely your largest investment and obtaining the highest selling price is of paramount importance. With the pace of the current market - this is the perfect time to sell.
It is also essential that the listing and selling process be as effortless and stress-free as possible. As a Broker with Chestnut Park Real Estate Limited, Brokerage, I provide my clients with a comprehensive package of services and access to the industry’s top marketing resources: from de-cluttering assistance and premium complimentary staging services to a comprehensive marketing plan to expose your property to as many qualified potential buyers as possible.
Through our exclusive affiliation with Christie's International Real Estate, qualifying properties will also have access to the international market - helping connect buyers and sellers throughout the world.